Exhibition Participation
DEMO Group Exhibition
I participated in a group exhibition, Whenua, Wai, Rangi, with Jo Dalgerty, Emmanuel Boyack, Nadia Marychapel, Shannon Conacher, Maia Wharewera-Ballard. It was a collaborative exhibition in celebration of Matariki which opened on Thursday 27th of June and ran Friday and Saturday.
Whenua, Wai, Rangi
Hoki whakamuri, kia anga whakamua
Look to the past in order to forge the future
The concepts of whenua, wai and rangi have long operated as a locus for discourse in Aotearoa New Zealand art. From the cultural, spiritual, and social aspects and connections to the environmental, political, and historical aspects, the land, water, and sky continue to foster and invoke exploration of the profound connection between Aotearoa New Zealand artists and the world around them. In this exhibition, Whenua, Wai, Rangi, the artists contemplate how these elements shape their perceptions of place, space, and time, by offering a contemporary tapestry of perspectives and interpretations. Demo gallery and the participants warmly invite visitors to celebrate Matariki whilst reflecting on the ways we think about the natural environment and what it means to us.
I exhibited four root system works, which I mounted on paper-covered boards I made. The following works are by Maia Wharewera-Ballard, Shannon Conacher, Nadia Marychurch, Emmanuel Boyack, and Jo Dalgerty.
Quite a few people came to the opening, which was appreciated. On Friday and Saturday, when the gallery was open, there was a steady flow of visitors. We all enjoyed the experience and the chance to spend time with each other and learn more about each other’s practices.
Nadia made promotional material for us to promote the exhibition on our own social media pages. I also used these to promote the exhibition on DEMOS instagram page at various points prior and during the exhibition. The other artists provided me with statements and I put together the pamplets for the exhibition.
Group Exhibition Japan - March 2024
In March 2024, I had an artwork of mine exhibited in a group show in the City Hall in Hitachi, Japan, along with four other Tauranga-based artists. This work is a screen-printed, sewn textile. The fabric is a recycled hotel sheet that was donated to The Good Sheet Collective, which was an art group I was part of in Tauranga.
Waters Edge - Solo Exhibition
I had a solo exhibition at the Incubator in Tauranga which ran for four weeks from January through to the end of February 2024. I exhibited my decollage works which are artworks are made from the pages of second-hand books which are related to research. In this case they were books related to bodies of water which linked to research I had done in the first year of the MFA.
Bay of Plenty Open Studios - March 2024
At the end of March, my studio at the Historic Village (Tauranga) was part of the Bay of Plenty Art Trail weekend. My studio was in the Villa studios with 3 other artists. We had about 750 people through the studios in the three days the event ran for. It was the first BOP Open Studio event and it was really successful.