MFA 2024 - Starting Point
My initial thoughts
Some theory I want to look at are
Jane Bennett - Vibrant Matter (Lit Review?)
Herbert Kopp-Oberstebrink and Judith Elisabeth Weiss -On Roots and Men: Interwoven Narratives in the Age of Hybrid Realities (Lit Review?)
Delueze (maybe)
Practice (Some things that influence a way of working or a kind of practice ethos)
Futures thinking
FoAM, “The Art of Futuring - FoAM - Medium,” Medium, December 9, 2021,
Scenario Report: Futures Shaping Art: Art Shaping Fututres
Diana Scherer - Ordered publication Interwoven – Exercises in Rootsystem Domestication
Supervisor Suggestions
Anika Yi
Eva Hesse (revisit)
Wolfgang Laib
Pierre Hughe