Open Studio Space - Historic Village
In August, I took over a new artist in residence open studio space at the Village Studios building at the Historic Village in Tauranga. Visitors to the village can come and go. This space allows me to interact with other resident artist and an opportunity to have a little bit of exposure within a publicly accessible space. Perhaps beneficial to my practice and development.
The space is a little impractical to work with bioplastic, for which I need to use an element (stove top) for preparing the bioplastic, a dehumidifier for drying and a large predatory space. I decided to use the studio space largely for the drawing and painting aspects of my practice. I will also use it as a space to do research and planning for my studies and bioplastic projects. There have been some teething problems since moving in (there is no internet and I need to hotspot from my phone, limited in data for that though). Settling into a routine and managing life at the same time is taking time. I think the break in December and January will be good to get into a routine. Making and drying my bioplastic work will continue in my studio space at home.