April - Process and Progress
The first root systems I set up on 28 February were grass seeds and were grown on agar. I harvested the first roots after 14 days. These produced a very fine network of roots. I dried two of the sheets of agar with the grass still attached (one split in half). These contorted and curled in on themselves as they cured and I find these quite interesting to look at. They are about 10cm x 10cm x 6cm high and smell sweet from the dried grass. I was surprised that the agar did not grow mould throughout any stage of the process. The work on the pink hessian was placed back in water, and the root system started growing again. I harvested this 24 days after the first harvest and set it in the water again to see if the root system would recover for a third time. The grass is looking quite yellow however, so I am dubious if it will all survive.
I have had varying degrees of success with the larger works but with each one, the root systems seem to be improving. I have used wheatgrass seeds and oat seeds for these which seem to grow faster than the lawn seed. The first large one (wheatgrass seeds) I needed to harvest sooner than I planned as it developed mould, and this had a detrimental effect on the root systems. After harvesting, I rolled up the hessian and grass and threw it outside and after a few days I noticed that the roots continued to grow so I laid it flat on the pavers and continued to water it. The second one (oats) grew well. However, I lost some of the root systems when I harvested it because I left it on the pattern template while I sliced the roots off. This meant that some of the roots got stuck in the template. With these two systems, I put the tops on the pavers outside and the root systems have reestablished themselves, particularly looking to grow into the crevices of the pavers. I am thinking of leaving these growing until Monday morning when I travel to Auckland, and just roll them up.
The third one (oats and wheatgrass), I grew over wax discs in a deeper water tray. This one produced a thick root system which I have left on the mesh and will leave like this for the seminar.
The fourth larger system I have set up in my vege pod with a hot house plastic cover. I placed canvas over the soil before setting up the mesh and template growing system over the top. I have noted that the roots are growing through the two layers of heavy canvas though in some places so it may be tricky to lift. I put a thin layer of soil over the seeds to establish whether this might produce a healthier thicker root system than the more hydroponically grown systems. I will harvest this root system in 7 days to take to the Autumn seminar.
I have some other works developing including seeds in thin agar sheets and cups. The agar is competing for moisture and drying out the seedlings. The thin sheet has developed mould and cracked. There is grass seed growing on a frame covered with tulle which has been growing since the 28th of February. I initially had it sitting on a flat sheet of glass but this did not allow for enough water for the roots to thrive. I set it over a shallow tray and the roots have got thicker. I want to mount this frame on the wall at seminar with small angle brackets so both sides are visible (grass and roots) - it will start dying. There are a few small square systems growing too which are on hessian or mesh.