
After meeting with Yolunda and discussing my practice, I realised that I have been thinking about what I am doing as more of a project, like what I did during my degree. I wasn’t thinking of it as this is my practice, not an assignment as such. I thought this was how we needed to approach it and hadn’t considered bringing in other elements of my practice into what I am doing with bioplastics. I do love drawing, in particular, continuous line drawing because it, because the drawings are quite quirky and abstract. It takes away the anxiety of something representational having to be perfect and allows me to relax and get in flow.

I tried some continuous line drawings of the bioplastic forms I had made and some blind continuous line drawings, tracing the form with a finger on my left hand and drawing with my right. I quite like the result and will continue to explore this, if for nothing else than keeping up my drawing practice.

Below are various drawings I have done. I really enjoy life drawing, capturing people. I would love to do more of it, candid continuous line drawing of people in cafes or the likes who are unaware of being drawn but I feel really self-conscious drawing in front of people, I hate the attention it gets when people see you doing it. I try get to life drawing classes when I can.


Decollage - Hydrographic Marine Charts


Where Two Worlds Meet