Work III

After making some more bioplastic pieces within water and sand at the beach I started creating more works. These works are poured in my studio within a wooden screen printing frame capturing the pieces made at the beach. After the bioplastic jelly has set enough to allow movement without damage, I transfer it to another old screen print frame with a fabric screen. This allows water to evaporate more effectively than if on a solid surface. During sunny days I am able to leave the work in the sun to cure, in the evening I place the works in the laundry with the dehumidifier. Using the dehumidifier speeds the process and minimises the risk of mould growth. I then use the water from the dehumidifier to water water my plants and vegetable garden rather than tipping down the drain.

This work was too heavy for the magnets to hold on the wall but I could suspend it in the magnetic poster hanging system. I like the clarity of this work, and textures the contractions of the bioplastic have as a result of shrinkage as the water evaporates. The light showing through it highlights the textures and the bubbles and is reminiscent of surf and the textures in the sand under it which the movement of the water creates.


Studies - Smaller Works


Testing Installation Methods